False Alarm/32 Things That Make Me Happy

Well, we had a bit of a crazy night last night. Without going into too much detail, I felt like something was a bit off and decided to call my doctor. After explaining the situation, I was advised to go to the ER just to make sure I wasn’t losing any more amniotic fluid. Saying that I was scared would be the understatement of the century, but after undergoing literally every test possible, everything was perfectly fine. Griffin’s heartbeat is strong and I wasn’t showing any signs of preterm labor. At first I felt a little silly for causing all the commotion and making family and close friends worry, but I did exactly what I was told to do, and was assured many times that I did the right thing. Better to be safe than sorry. 

I always love reading other blogs, and today I couldn’t help but smile when one of my favorite people in the world and some other great bloggers posted this. I love/thrive off of making lists so I figured this was right up my alley. Also, who doesn’t need a good reminder that no matter what is going on in your life, there is always, ALWAYS something to be thankful for and to laugh about. So, I give you…

32 Things That Make Me Happy

1. Sweatpants. Yep, I’m going all in on my first one. I’ve always been the type of girl who comes home and immediately changes into something more comfortable. Since I’ve been on bed rest, Richard and I joke about how I put on my “nice” sweatpants when I’m expecting company. Hey, gotta look good.

2. My new BellyButtonBand. I finally got this thing in the mail last week and I swear it changed my life. Enter code FRUGALGIRLS2014 to get your’s for free (just pay shipping) and see for yourself. I can breathe and it smooths everything out so I actually look pregnant and not just fat.

3. That baby smell. Just had a conversation with the bestie today about how we can’t get enough of that amazing baby smell. Oh, you’ll let me hold your baby? Great. Excuse me while I act like a complete creep and sniff him nonstop. Can’t wait until I have my own so it’s not quite so weird.

4. This. Watch it. Watch it Now.

5.  I LOVE a good wind suit. They’re becoming more and more rare these days. But when you see one…oh, it’s a good day. Image

6. A nice bowl of cereal.

7. Snow Cones. I have a feeling these will be on the top of my cravings list this summer.



8. The plane scene in Bridesmaids.  Image



9. Honesty. Complete and utter honesty is so refreshing. We should all try it more often.

10. Positive posts on social media. I don’t know what you’re news feed looks like, but mine can be quite depressing at times. I often feel like people should have to take a test before they’re allowed to have a Facebook, but that’s another topic entirely. At any rate, I really enjoy just a positive/funny/inspiring status update. I know most of you have it in you. Dig deep, people! 

12. This is something I don’t allow myself to have too often these days but….REGULAR COKE OVER ICE. Nectar of the gods.

13. A good pen. When you find the one, never let it go.

14. De-Cluttering. We’re having a yard sale this weekend. I love that people are going to pay me to take away a bunch of my junk. 

15. Christmastime. Who doesn’t?

16. Finding gift cards you forgot you had. $20 to Starbucks? Yes, please.

17. Warm towels. Every once in awhile, Richard will throw mine in the dryer while I’m in the shower. I knew I married that guy for a reason.

18. Monograms.

19. Bubblegum. 

20. Reading a book you just can’t put down. I just finished House Rules by Jodi Picoult and LOVED it.

21. This gem. It’s never not funny/amazing to me.

22. These guys. Miss them. Image Image


23. Wine slushies and Margaritas. I miss you, old friends.

24. My Nana’s banana bread. I think I could sniff that out a mile away. Simply the best.

25. Finding an amazing quote when you need it the most.



26. Disney World. I cannot wait to take Griffin when he is old enough. It will also be a treat to watch Richard experience it for the first time. 

27. FLIPPING OUT. Seriously, if you’re not watching this show, you need to get your priorities straight. 



28. Pedicures.

29. Fans. My entire family MUST sleep with a fan. I think my mom is the one with the biggest problem, but we all enable each other. The fan aisle is the best aisle at any store. One day I will own one of those huge industrial size fans and never get out of my bed. 

30. School/Office supplies. My sister and I were those dorks who BEGGED our mom to take us school supply shopping in June.

31. The perfect glass of lemonade. Hard to come by, but when you find it, you just know.

32. Being pregnant. All things considered I really do enjoy being pregnant. Even though I’m on bed rest, I feel totally fine and have for quite some time. I love it, but I think I’m going to love being a mom even more. 



2 thoughts on “False Alarm/32 Things That Make Me Happy

  1. Tina Ritter says:

    Hey Megs, you continue to make me: laugh, cry, be proud, think positive, persue the best out of life and love unconditionally. I can see writing in your future… Stay focused on taking care of you, Griffin and that amazing Richard.
    P.S. Thanks for the shout out about my banana cake…:-)

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